Java (OOPs I did it again)

Java is a type of Object Oriented Programming language, or OOP for short. While are many other OOP languages, such as Python, C#, Ruby, this post will be focusing on Java - which is not as difficult to install as you might think. 

There are plenty of free tutorials and resources available to help you achieve this. And if you are brand new to this, and a little scared, I suggest following along to this tutorial straight from the Oracle site - the Java site.

Please note that you don't have to use the same IDE that is stated in there. There are many others out there for you to try out if you want to "exchange" that step.

This will also walk you through your first project - a rite of passage - the Hello World breakthrough!

And in case you don't or can't download anything, you can always visit this site to get your feet wet.

Also in case you're wondering, the object in Object Oriented Programming can basically be anything. We're talking data, lists, spider-mans, libraries, or apples.
Objects consists of two things, properties, such as color & shape, and behavior, such as walk or display. These things are packaged, or encapsulated, together to make it one unit and limit access. Abstraction allows for the general or "abstract" view of the class/object without reveling all of the innermost details.

And because objects can have the same characteristics, we can group them together or make a template, that is a class, to avoid having to create the same object from scratch every time we need one. 

This means objects inherit the characteristics of whatever initial object was created for the template/class. It also means that we can edit the object if we don't need it to be the same exact thing, which would be polymorphism.

If you are more of a visual learned, hopefully the picture to the right will provide a bit more understanding of these concepts.
