Apps for a Day

The functions of PowerPoint are focused on presentation, animation and transitions, more attention is put on the font and color and pictures all purely to keep the audience’s attention. With this application, however, you have to keep it concise to ensure our audience can easily follow along.

Word functions are best suited for documents, essays, flyers, form, presenting detailed information. Less so on presentation. 

While you can manipulate and present data using a table in both Word and PowerPoint, Excel functions such as SUM and COUNT and setting it to percentage, are entirely focused for the data. Charts and graphs are available but would have to be exported or copied to be presented on other applications.

Between Excel, Word and PowerPoint, PowerPoint has always been my favorite. PowerPoint was better suited for the prompt, as it was more engaging, concise and had visual effects to maintain attention because the information presented was not extensive or heavy detailed. In a scenario where that tasks were much bigger than just ten or more than just 24 hours, Excel would have been better suited as it can easily manage and organize data, as shown in Vahid and Lysecky in Computing Technology for all (2019). Had the assignment been an essay, such as this reflecting paper, then Word would have been the application to go to as the main focus is the information written.
