About This

If the title was not enough to clue you in, this blog is will be about Information Technology stuff. Or IT for short.

Hi! My name is Laura Garcia and I am currently frozen at Dallas TX.

I am working as an accounting clerk at a community college at the moment, so I have a good amount of customer service experience, in both English and Spanish. This position also gives me a good insight of actual tech needs in the office setting. 

I am attending both TEC 101 class and the University of Arizona Global Campus (UAGC) to get my bachelors in Information Technology (IT). 

I have been involved in IT since high school, and decided to pursue a bachelors degree to get a better foundation, so I'm very interested if anything I learned back then is still relevant. I started this degree after obtaining my Associates in Science, but with a full-time job and the limited times that classes were available every couple semesters, the finish line of this degree keeps moving further and further away until I discovered UAGC through my employment.

I'm aiming to be a full stack developer. I already have some experience with the front end, web and UI design, but I'm always up to learn more info and tidbits so I can better my skills and put them to use. Plus, a little refresher never hurt anyone. 
